Search Mystery & Thriller

Monday 19 June 2017

Video Nasty - Don't Go In The House

Don't Go In The House


Turbine Films Inc.

Film Ventures International / G T O Films Ltd / Cinefear / Arrow Film Distributors Ltd.

5.5 / 10

Don't Go in the House Poster

This is a dark psychological thriller about the consequences of child abuse.  Donny Kohler is a man who is growing increasingly detached from his life.  One day, while he's at work he witnesses an accident which causes one of his work colleagues to catch on fire.  While the rest of the workforce rush about trying to help the man Donny stands transfixed and spellbound by the sight.

It brings back to him the memories of his mother's retribution for misbehaviour, where she would hold his hands and arms above the open flame of the kitchen hob.  This triggers his psychosis, flames cleanse the sins of man... and woman.

Kohler played admirably well by Dan Grimaldi - who is very good at making this psychopathic killer appear as normal - then sets out on his mission of cleansing his town.  The most chilling part of this film isn't the killing or the portrayal of Kohler, but the killing room.  Kohler covers the walls, floor and ceiling in sheet metal and adds a meat hook in the centre of the room, from which to hang his prey.  It's the idea that he's thought this through to this extent so as not to burn down his house that makes it a very creepy and chilling issue and adds a deep psychological darkness to the character. 

However, there are issues with the story, especially in correspondence with Kohler's character.  There are some scenes that don't quite gel with his personality.  And some of the directing could have been better.  The scene when Kohler goes out with his friend and ends up attacking his date is well thought out story-wise; however, it could have been acted and directed much better  There is a few scene's like this.

The director, Joseph Ellison, who co-scripted the story with writer Joe Masefield and Ellen Hammill, does create a good film with a variable pace and flow, which helps to create atmosphere and keep the viewers interested.  However, I feel he could have done more to bring it above average.

The acting is okay though nobody shines through or dominates the film.  This is a shame because I think if Dan Grimaldi was a little stronger in his craft it would have made the film a hell of a lot scarier,

Overall, the film suffers from averageness, though it is worth at least one watch.  This is a film I would love to see remade, though adding a stronger cast and director, as I believe the story could make a classic film.  I would gladly recommend the film to anybody who likes darker psychological thrillers and isn't too distressed by graphic and gory scenes.   This left a chill in my bones and I will be watching the film again.

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